Comments on: Organized Religion – A Perspective The world through my prisms Sun, 14 Oct 2012 15:46:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Stormcrowe Tom Stormcrowe Wed, 26 Oct 2005 03:41:58 +0000 Dangerous subject, my friend! Should create some stir though!

By: Moonjungle Moonjungle Fri, 21 Oct 2005 03:41:35 +0000 I like the redesign. Neat!

By: Peg Peg Fri, 21 Oct 2005 01:30:01 +0000 I am so glad you left out woman, using the only tool known to man! ;-0}

You see sir, for I believe in what the Bible says and believe it to be the true word of God. Metaphorically there are a few, but I believe it to be a factual account of history, past, present, future.

As with the young minds you encountered, I do also believe as it is written in the Bible that the way to the Father (God) is through His son (Jesus). I also do believe my “soul” purpose on earth is to do each and all things that would glorify the Father (God). Every encounter is to be treated as if (you) all are truly my brothers and sisters I have touched and doing so I become more Christ-like.
I will probably never succeed to the extent I do want and wish to, but my journey will aslways point me in the right direction and my beliefs will be my steps of guidance.

Very good food for thought, you have provided!! :-0}

By: semantic overload semantic overload Thu, 20 Oct 2005 15:40:24 +0000 Hey Peg, I agree with you on the part that religion is a lot more personal than the ‘canonized’ faith that we know by common names. That is why I believe that true christians are he ones who choose to read the scriptures and dervie their own understanding as it applies to them in their life. And this interpretation is different for each of us, making this, in some sense, a unique religion to us. It doesnt even have to be from the same scripture that has been prescribed by the faith. Mnay times, I have found that my understanding of god and His-her creation is a lot more comprehensive (and I’d like to believe a lot more true) when I read writing from more than one sources.

I do believe that god created the world and satan with it, but my concept of god is very different from the biblical one, or even the islamic or the hindu gods. Like I said.. that will make for another post :)

You said it best when u said “Logic and belief sometimes do not seem to go hand in hand and that then is where faith comes into play.” I agree, here’s where the authority of the source plays the most important role. If one is convinced that the source is the ultimate authority, then believeing what it has to say comes naturally. But if one chooses to question it, and not receive a satisfactory answer, that simply means one has to continue the quest. And the only tool known to man for such a question is rationality and logic. It may not be a good tool, but its the only one we have at our disposal. And so the jouney continues :)

By: Peg Peg Thu, 20 Oct 2005 13:08:10 +0000 Hi Semantic! Oh boy, you hit the mother load with this one! I am truly surprised you haven’t been shackled out of existence!! ;-0}
Believe it or not, being a Christian, you have spoken many truths about organized religion with the exception that true organized religion is in it for the buck also as is organized crime!
That is why “religion” to me needs to take on two different faces!
As a Christian, I do not consider myself religious as is in the religion understanding of religious.
As for many of your other points, all religion and in this case even Christians have a criteria to follow that leads them or helps them believe in what they believe in and why.
God, is, to me, a true living entity who has delivered to His people, those who would believe, a son in the flesh, Jesus Christ.

If you are a believer in the Bible you will find that God did indeed create all things including Satan. But to understand the whys, well yes, to my mind, it would have been so much easier not to allow sin to become rampant in the first place. Logic and belief sometimes do not seem to go hand in hand and that then is where faith comes into play.
Logic is not a part of my beliefs to the extent that I can say, this is a definite, but I believe it to be through faith.

In order to create any understanding of religion or even Christianity for that matter, I believe you must have an understanding of the intent of the maker.
Just my humble opinion. Interesting post, sir!

Dig long and hard enough and you shall find what you are looking for. :-0}
