Monthly Archives: June 2006

Effective Blog Writing – A Perspective

Blogging has come a long way in the past 5 years or so. I was pleasently surprised when one of links returned by google news on a particular news item was infact a blog! Blogging has become so ubiquitous that google is testing out a new search service dedicate to blogs alone. Almost every other


The 31st G8 summit was held in Scotland sometime in 2005. One of the issues discussed was world poverty. Over 225,000 people took to the street in Edinburgh, calling on the world leaders at the summit to ‘Make Poverty History’. Live 8, a concert organized coinciding with the g8 summit, was a call for attention

Picking up where I left off

It has been a long while since I blogged last. I kept making excuses as to why I did not blog. Like all excuses, these ones were pretty lame too. I guess its time I buried my lethargy and got back to doing what I enjoyed doing before. Blogging and writing are excercises to your