Traffic and road signs

I was driving home from work yesterday evening when a road sign put up by traffic poilce caught my eye. It goes

It’s hard to

You are 4 times

concentrate on

more likely to have

on two things

an accident when you

at the same time

are on a mobile phone

Even a stuffed siberian tiger knows better than to put it up on a main road. It’s actually painted in two different colors of reflective paint. The person who tried to read it is 40 times more likely to have an accident :)) Actually it’s arip off from a radio ad I heard on web radio (virgin radio). The ad is meant to be for the radio. In the radio version both the sentences are spoken simultaneously twice, and obviously it all garbled. Then they speak one sentence at time to drive the point home. And our heros here pick it straight up regardless of if it serves the purpose or not. Talk about stupidity!

The best one I have come across was in our college campus. We have an open campus with a main road cutting right through the campus. The ladies hostel is located beside this main road. From the main road, we have a road that leads into the ladies hostel. So they have a speed breaker just before this road on the main road, and sign for the speed breaker. Now, what we have a sign in from of the ladies hostel that says “HUMP AHEAD” :)) I was tempted more than once to write below it: “Why not!”.

Folks, any more signs and boards like this? Bring it on!!!!

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