Category Archives: debate

Legalities with Pit Bull

At my local community radio station, a pit bull puppy was found; presumably lost. There was some discussion about what should be done with it, should it be handed over to animal shelter? During the discussion, one of the volunteers has this to say about it: Calling animal control for a Pit Bull in this

$220K, the RIAA, and more

Now that Jaimme Thomas has decided to appeal against the verdict that held her liable to the tune of $220K in the lawsuit against RIAA, the old debate of Copyright laws, Digital Right Management and the RIAA itself have resurfaced. For starts, the case itself was resolved in a somewhat shady manner. The judge required

Female Archetypes

Archetypes are an often researched area of interest; the most notable researchers being Carl Jung and Joesph Campbell. In this post, I’d like to focus on female archetypes, specifically, female archetypes in mythology and folklore. Typically, the female archetypes reflect role and perception of women in the culture and age that the myth belong to

Zeitgeist — second thoughts

My previous post on the movie “Zeitgeist” was made right after I saw the movie. After reflecting on the movie, spending some time looking at the website, the cited sources etc., I have a slightly different opinion of the movie now. (Having said that, I still recommend people seeing this movie. The attempt and effort