
Just got to know that there is an adult search engine called Booble. That’s obviously a take on google. Google actually tried to shut the site down!!! more info is at their web site. Check it out. It makes an intersting read if you have time to kill and nothing else to do.. It borders gossip actually.

Here is a news clip about the site……

‘ … The adult search site says Google sent it an e-mail that says in part, “This Domain Name is confusingly similar to the famous GOOGLE trademark. Your Web site is a pornographic Web site. Your Web site improperly duplicates the distinctive and proprietary overall look and feel of Google’s Web site….” The message also disputes that is a parody because it does not create a composition that comments on the original.

The message concludes by asking Booble to disable the site, discontinue use of the domain name, transfer the domain name to Google, permanently refrain from any confusing or diluting use of the term “Google,” and “cease and desist from using the Google trade dress.” …’

Whatever happens, it’s great PR for Booble. :)

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