Saw the movie Pay it forward some time back on TV. Nice movie, although I felt the director could have done much better with the novel storyline and talented starcast he had. It gives you a feeling that there is a chance that everyone has, to make a difference. One just has to keep the ball rolling.
May be a variant of that can be done on the net as well… I was thinking… how about trying it with blog comments…. I need three volunteers who can take it forward. I will post comments on the posts they have written (sensible ones, no rubbish), I distinguish them with a marker.. (say, a hyperlink to the Pay it forward website). And then the three post comments on another three blogs, also looking to make sure that the blog hasnt already been “paid forward”. The idea of this exercise to for folks to go blog hunting rather than continue to stay endemic to their blog ring. Also to make things more interesting, you have to “pay it forward” to blogs that you havent ever posted a comment. Go through blog directories, aggregators or whatever, but you have to post your “paid forward” comments on blogs you havent posted on before. That will ensure that ppl do visit new blogs.
What say people? savvy?
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