Author Archives: Semantic Overload

Born in India, now working for a doctoral degree in Computer Science at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. A free thinking liberal, strong advocate for human rights, socially active with extensive volunteering within the local community.
You can follow me on twitter @chrosyn

The United States of socialism

The nationalization of Freddie Mac and Fanny May marks a major shift in the US policy of free-market, deregulated economy (to a more socialist policy), or does it? With my rant against the the bailout out of the way, lets see if this really is something different that the US government has had to do

Paying for someone else’s mortgage

Last week, the US government took control over Freddie Mac and Fanny May, the financial gaints of the US martage industry (and the crisis). Now this puts the US government in control of nearly half of the $12tn mortgage debt in the US (The two companies have lent or underwritten about $5.3 trillion mortgage debt

Dr. Bindra I presume?

Abhinav Bindra has been conferred with an honorary doctorate from SRM University in Chennai. Honest! I am not making this up! Ask Times of India and NDTV! What amazed me was that very few were outraged by it, well except for Mekhala. She makes a good point in her blog post when she asks, “…[sic]

Slacker Uprising

Hey, Rock the Vote may no have worked as well, maybe this will: Slacker Uprising will be available for free download soon.