This is what you get when you attempt dark photography at 65 mph on a free way :)
This is what you get when you attempt dark photography at 65 mph on a free way :)
I have been engaged in a mammoth campaign to make my house inhabitable after the episode of Maximum Entropy. Looks like quite a few subjects in the blogsphere are enduring the hardships of hygienic inhabitability. DaKu’s apt is now supposed to be spotless clean (atleast so she claims). We all know abt #if’s fallen Last …
Cloudy Dreams Originally uploaded by semantic overload. This is one of my first experiments with photography. May not be very good, but I still like it. This was taken on the ferry en route to alcatraz from Fisherman’s Wharf in SFO. You can see the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.P.S.: I have no clue …
The airport shuttle landed me at the entrance to my apartment complex. Exhausted by the journey, depressed that the vacation was over, despondent that the only thing I can look forward to for the next 4 months are the 8 hours of oblivion each day, I amble past the apartments that separate mine from the …