Author Archives: Semantic Overload

Born in India, now working for a doctoral degree in Computer Science at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. A free thinking liberal, strong advocate for human rights, socially active with extensive volunteering within the local community.
You can follow me on twitter @chrosyn

Enjoying limited means of subsistence

Not so long ago I had a comfortable job. A place of my own with most the luxuries that a bachelor wants, a swelling bank balance, and money was not an issue. Now, less than a month since, here I am with something close to zilch in my bank (and going down), no car, a

Land of the free (?)

America has been self proclaimed as the land of the free. It has been close to 3 weeks since I landed here and have seen, observered a lot about american laws, people, law enforcement, and I am really begining to if if this is indeed the land of the free? What is free or freedom

America and Distances

The americans built this country on the carcasses of the innocent native american men, and boy do they know how to flaunt their booty! Thanks to the vast expanses of land available the americans have the luxury of having things done BIG. A lot bigger than it needs to be. Bigger cars, bigger roads, bigger

"A Wild Sheep Chase" by Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami is a Japanese author with a lot of his work translated into english. “A Wild Sheep Chase” is my first introduction to Murakami’s works. This was suggested to me by a sweet lady at the reference desk in the university library. Incidentally, the university library is also a public library. My university being