Category Archives: religion

Righteous Sufferes: Job and Harishchandra

My earlier post on the similarity in the stories of Orpheus and Adi Shankara inspired me to look for more, and naturally, I found many. I might, perhaps, write them all down some day. For now, here’s another one. This time it is between the Book of Job (from the Hebrew Bible) and the Markandeya

Orpheus and Adi Shankara

I have always had a fascination for mythology. Greek and Indian mythology have been my favourite mostly because they have everything that makes for great story telling regardless of your intentions. Be it allegories, or moral pontifications, or spiritual preaching, or even pulp fiction and good ‘ol smut: they have it all! Very few mythologies

A case against ground zero mosque

The ground zero mosque (Park51) controversy has cleaved the media and the public along predictable partisan lines in the US. The Left is screaming “First Amendment” and “Islam does not equal terrorism”, and the Right screams “sure they have the right to build the mosque, but it is insensitive.” pretty much dismisses the whole

Visiting Vatican: A Picture Gallery

I was in Rome last year. Here are select photographs from my visit to the Vatican.