Category Archives: technology

Sex Riding the Tech Wave (NSFW)

Its not surprise that technology has been influenced heavily by people wanting to have sex or see other people have sex. Historically, when printing press came out, we had porn books follow soon; in the VHS vs. BetaMax war, VHS won primarily because porn videos were released in VHS and not in BetaMax (because BetaMax tapes, at least initially, were only 60 min. long); similarly when cameras came out, we had porn photographs. Why when Poloroids came out, you had home made porn hitting the cultural market in no time! So where is technology driving sex/porn now (or is it the other way around)?

If your site has been compromised with phishing attack code…

I recently recevied the following email: To whom it may concern: Please be aware that Wachovia Corporation (“Wachovia”) is the owner of numerous United States and foreign trade marks and services marks used in connection with its financial services and products (the “Wachovia Marks”), including the Wachovia wordmark and Wachovia logo.  Wachovia has expended substantial

Zeitgeist — second thoughts

My previous post on the movie “Zeitgeist” was made right after I saw the movie. After reflecting on the movie, spending some time looking at the website, the cited sources etc., I have a slightly different opinion of the movie now. (Having said that, I still recommend people seeing this movie. The attempt and effort


Zeitgeist — The movie although a conspiracy theory, and may not all true, does have some sense of reality in it. I am the first admit that there are quite a few ‘facts’ in the movie that are, well, just plain wrong. For instance, ‘Krishna’ being a virgin birth being one of them. However, be