Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stains and vessels

I was less than a furlong from my office, at Dickenson Road-MG Road junction when I realized that I had left the milk for boilng at home and totally forgot about it. Rushed back home only to come to an overheated vessel and black contents of what was, once upon a time, milk :( I

DK2 Rocks!

Hey, I am just coming back from Vipin’s place. Played Dungeon Keeper 2 for over 4 hrs! it’s an awesome game that combines RPG and strategy gaming. It’s fun, and some of the humour there is rolicking (like when you dont make a move in a while, the narrator says “Every rock in your dungeon

On strategy games

Met up with Vipin yesterday. He gave me Masters of Orion-3, a turn based strategy game. I am still grappling with the controls and trying to figure out how to play the same. Right now I am hopelessly plagued with spies infesting my planets and assasinaing my leaders, reseachers and stealing my technologies :( I

Cultural preconditioning and natural instincts

A colleague of mine made some really ridiculous statements and we dismissed him as a retard, but he did have some points worth pondering about. It all started off on my hair, and why I am not planning to cut it. We then talked about the natural ornaments of animals like the hair around the