Category Archives: US

Five dollar, me love you long time!

I came across this at the local half-price book store: I find it hard to believe that such excrement is still sold like it is worth something. But, to Half-Price’s credit, its priced at less than half the original price. In fact, $5 is more like 25% of the original price. Seeing that price tag,

America is an exporter of terrorism? No way!

Here’s a quote: Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon, nor has it been associated only with Islamic radicals or people of Middle Eastern, African or South Asian ethnic origin. This dynamic belies the American belief that our free, open and integrated multicultural society lessens the

A case against ground zero mosque

The ground zero mosque (Park51) controversy has cleaved the media and the public along predictable partisan lines in the US. The Left is screaming “First Amendment” and “Islam does not equal terrorism”, and the Right screams “sure they have the right to build the mosque, but it is insensitive.” pretty much dismisses the whole

Pat Robertson, Explained

Pat Robertson is no stranger to controversies, and uncomfortably so. He has been called everything from ‘loathsome’ to ‘philanthropist’. The latest in his never ending list of quivering diatribe is his assertion is the people of Haiti are ‘cursed’ because they made a ‘pact with the devil’. His previous such statements include concurring that 9/11 happened because of ACLU, the abortionists, the pagans, the feminists and the LGBT community, and that hurricane Katrina was God’s punishment for America’s sins. Of course, The Onion has been generous enough to have its own additions it this!

One is forced to wonder: why is Pat Robertson saying such things knowing fully well that he is hurting people through his statements and hate? There has to be a logical explanation for it, and I think I have found one. My explanation is based on three important assumptions: (a) Pat Robertson believes that Jesus died for everyone’s sins, (b) he believes that the end times is near, and (c) he is a capitalist.