Free Software Foundation and Microsoft

The mailing list in the office was flooded yesterday with the news of parts of MS Windows source code having been leaked onto the internet. The Open Source forum must be celeberating :) Its always been an age old battle between FSF and microsoft. We have fanatic FSF supporters, and you have a powerful corporate

Traffic and road signs

I was driving home from work yesterday evening when a road sign put up by traffic poilce caught my eye. It goes It’s hard to You are 4 times concentrate on more likely to have on two things an accident when you at the same time are on a mobile phone Even a stuffed siberian

Public figures and private life

The Clinton scandal raked up huge controversy and raised a huge public debate. In the eye of the storm was the issue of private lives of public figures. Does a person with a public life have right to keep his personal life a secret? The debate continues to rage, and there can never a be

Sex, Drugs and Rock-n-Roll

Just got off the newspaper with a small news item that Diana Ross was jailed for drunken driving. That set me thinking on the how the world of music has transformed beyond recognition over the decades. It’s been a long way from the Beatles to Darkness. I guess it all started with flower power and