Cultural preconditioning and natural instincts

A colleague of mine made some really ridiculous statements and we dismissed him as a retard, but he did have some points worth pondering about. It all started off on my hair, and why I am not planning to cut it. We then talked about the natural ornaments of animals like the hair around the

The day just got worse

Well, I am the lab advocate for our team. And apparently we are not able to locate on equipment in our lab, and folks need it. So here I am on a wild goose chase across two labs spread over 2 floor and hunting for this one router that seems to have mysteriously passed through

It’s been a bad day, please dont take a picture

Occasionally I get in the morning with a really sick feeling inside. It almost like I am having a premonition that my day is not going to be good. And it does turn out that way, call it 6th sense or preconditioning of the mind, but it still works. The odd thing about getting up

Cultural (In)Sensitivity

My trip to sydney was a really pleasant. Good weather, nail biting cricket matches, the training was a breeze with a good customer sat. score, lots of beautiful places to see, got to cuddle a Koala and lots more :) Even the people there were extremely polite and helpful. But the most important lesson I