Platonic Relationship

Maddie and I were discussing about relationships the other day and we both seemed to agree that there can be no such thing as platonic relationship. The way I see it, the fact that you behave differently when you are with a person of opposite sex is an adequate sign that it cant be platonic, although ur intentions may be chaste. I may be taking this a bit too far, but I think the same applies when people of the same sex are interacting as well.

Each one of us has a homosexual tendancy inside of us (I can already see a few guns being loaded up). When we meet someone and we really like them, it shows. the implore is not like the quote by Jack (from “Will and Grace”) which goes “There are only 2 kinds on men in this world. Ones who are gay, and ones who havent met jack yet”. What I mean is that, a pat on a back that you give to your best friend (assuming u are straight, and your friend is of the same sex) may be completely devoid of sexual overtunes, but deep inside ur psyche its an animal instinct that you are satisfying.

So whenever u find someone attractive, a great person to be with, blah, blah. It is always sexual in nature. It may never manifest itself, but that doesnt mean it isnt there, latent, satiating itself with the small harmless interactions that you are having with the other person.

All right, I see that you are armed with limitless ammo. Fire away!!!!

This is gonna be fun :)

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