Monthly Archives: February 2004

DK2 Rocks!

Hey, I am just coming back from Vipin’s place. Played Dungeon Keeper 2 for over 4 hrs! it’s an awesome game that combines RPG and strategy gaming. It’s fun, and some of the humour there is rolicking (like when you dont make a move in a while, the narrator says “Every rock in your dungeon

On strategy games

Met up with Vipin yesterday. He gave me Masters of Orion-3, a turn based strategy game. I am still grappling with the controls and trying to figure out how to play the same. Right now I am hopelessly plagued with spies infesting my planets and assasinaing my leaders, reseachers and stealing my technologies :( I

Cultural preconditioning and natural instincts

A colleague of mine made some really ridiculous statements and we dismissed him as a retard, but he did have some points worth pondering about. It all started off on my hair, and why I am not planning to cut it. We then talked about the natural ornaments of animals like the hair around the

The day just got worse

Well, I am the lab advocate for our team. And apparently we are not able to locate on equipment in our lab, and folks need it. So here I am on a wild goose chase across two labs spread over 2 floor and hunting for this one router that seems to have mysteriously passed through