Tag Archives: debate

Public figures and private life

The Clinton scandal raked up huge controversy and raised a huge public debate. In the eye of the storm was the issue of private lives of public figures. Does a person with a public life have right to keep his personal life a secret? The debate continues to rage, and there can never a be

On Haj, Mecca and pre-islamic arab

I was blog crawling when I came across Jivha’s Blog. The post on Haj stampede caught my attention. I went about surfing on the net on mecca, haj and islam… to my amusement the found some extemely interesting and thought provoking articles on origin of Islam and pre-islamic arab. The articles are extremely baised, yet

Cultural preconditioning and natural instincts

A colleague of mine made some really ridiculous statements and we dismissed him as a retard, but he did have some points worth pondering about. It all started off on my hair, and why I am not planning to cut it. We then talked about the natural ornaments of animals like the hair around the


Just got to know that there is an adult search engine called Booble. That’s obviously a take on google. Google actually tried to shut the site down!!! more info is at their web site. Check it out. It makes an intersting read if you have time to kill and nothing else to do.. It borders