Tag Archives: rants

We have visual contact with the floor, I repeat, We have visual contact….

I have been engaged in a mammoth campaign to make my house inhabitable after the episode of Maximum Entropy. Looks like quite a few subjects in the blogsphere are enduring the hardships of hygienic inhabitability. DaKu’s apt is now supposed to be spotless clean (atleast so she claims). We all know abt #if’s fallen Last

Maximum Entropy

The airport shuttle landed me at the entrance to my apartment complex. Exhausted by the journey, depressed that the vacation was over, despondent that the only thing I can look forward to for the next 4 months are the 8 hours of oblivion each day, I amble past the apartments that separate mine from the

Beggers cant be choosers(?)

A huge number of students in India have this “dream” of going (coming) to the US for their higher studies. Face it, studies or education is their last passion. They are in this mad rush simply because this is an easy route to immigrating to the US. The most typical illustration of this can be

Land of the free (?)

America has been self proclaimed as the land of the free. It has been close to 3 weeks since I landed here and have seen, observered a lot about american laws, people, law enforcement, and I am really begining to if if this is indeed the land of the free? What is free or freedom