Monthly Archives: February 2004

It’s been a bad day, please dont take a picture

Occasionally I get in the morning with a really sick feeling inside. It almost like I am having a premonition that my day is not going to be good. And it does turn out that way, call it 6th sense or preconditioning of the mind, but it still works. The odd thing about getting up

Cultural (In)Sensitivity

My trip to sydney was a really pleasant. Good weather, nail biting cricket matches, the training was a breeze with a good customer sat. score, lots of beautiful places to see, got to cuddle a Koala and lots more :) Even the people there were extremely polite and helpful. But the most important lesson I


Just got to know that there is an adult search engine called Booble. That’s obviously a take on google. Google actually tried to shut the site down!!! more info is at their web site. Check it out. It makes an intersting read if you have time to kill and nothing else to do.. It borders


Ms.Madmax went though my blog, but unfortunately when I was at sydney and was writing about it! So she assumed I was not form Blore…. and was thinking of denying me the invite to Blore Bloggers Communion (BBC) Hey ppl, I am from Blore. Just that I was transient spatial location was in australia for