
Just got to know that there is an adult search engine called Booble. That’s obviously a take on google. Google actually tried to shut the site down!!! more info is at their web site. Check it out. It makes an intersting read if you have time to kill and nothing else to do.. It borders


Ms.Madmax went though my blog, but unfortunately when I was at sydney and was writing about it! So she assumed I was not form Blore…. and was thinking of denying me the invite to Blore Bloggers Communion (BBC) Hey ppl, I am from Blore. Just that I was transient spatial location was in australia for

Back to India

The weekend at sydney was good. Did some sightseeing and went looking for places of aboriginal significance. It’s a beautiful city. But its sad the way the natives have been driven from their homeland and have been reduced to curious exhibits in the reserves meant for them. Also the history of settlers in sydney is

Last day of training

The training if for over 4 days, and this is the last day. Thank god things went smooth! Just hoping that the feedback from the students is good too….. my appreciation award depends on that! I was planning to visit singapore for a day by advancing my flight to singapore by 1 day and get