Tag Archives: internet

Calling all Perl fans in Bangalore

Just registered myself at Perl Mongers. Been meaning to do it for quite some time. And now finally did it. I was surprised to see just one person in Perl Mongers, Bangalore User Group. I am quite sure there are loads of Perl users in Blore. Here is calling all of ‘em to join Perl

Got a Gmail accountt!!!!!

I got a Gmail account today! It is being given out to all active users of blogger.com. I guess the users double up a beta testers. Just browsing through their features and options. It’s far out! Very impressive. This is innovation at work. Typically all web based email accounts were nothing more than email clients

Free Software Foundation and Microsoft

The mailing list in the office was flooded yesterday with the news of parts of MS Windows source code having been leaked onto the internet. The Open Source forum must be celeberating :) Its always been an age old battle between FSF and microsoft. We have fanatic FSF supporters, and you have a powerful corporate


Just got to know that there is an adult search engine called Booble. That’s obviously a take on google. Google actually tried to shut the site down!!! more info is at their web site. Check it out. It makes an intersting read if you have time to kill and nothing else to do.. It borders